Newkirk Church of Christ

Shining God's Light in Kay County


328 N. Main Street

Newkirk, OK 74647


Bible Class: 10:00 AM
Morning Worship: 11:00 AM
Evening Worship: 6:00 PM
Community Bible Study 6:00 PM
Bible Class: 7:00 PM
If you are visiting with us today, we want you to know that not only are you welcome, but you are WANTED! It is our great pleasure to have you with us.

Scott’s Thoughts

January 12, 2025


Scott Dutton, preacher New Kirk Church of Christ

"Into your hand I commit my spirit; you have redeemed me, O LORD, faithful God.” (Psalm 31:5, ESV)

Thursday, we managed to make a quick trip to the City for Ava’s appointment at Hearts for Hearing. It has now been almost three years since her first cochlear implant. We often get asked if they work and the answer from both of us is yes, and they get better all the time. Ava’s check-ups are now spaced about six months apart. Every time she has an appointment they check her progress. So far, there has been improvement in both ears every time. I am continually impressed with how they have and continue to help her with her hearing.

While in the waiting area, I watched a video about a child that received her implants when she was just a little over a year old and had them activated when she was two. This child is now about four and is doing great with them. I asked the doctor if a child getting the implants at such an early age, would it mean that at some point in the future she would have to have them replaced? The answer was, “Only if there would be an implant failure, but they are designed to last for a lifetime. The late 90's marked a real up-tick in the use of implants and the new developments continue to this very day. There was initially some confusion caused by the implants but as the days have turned into months and months into years we continue to see positive progress. The use of implants is not perfect. I’m sure there will be advancements in the technology for both Pray Until Something Happens the implants and the receivers in the coming years.”

One of the reasons for Ava’s success is that Ava has put in the work. There is a process of relearning that goes on in the person’s brain where the person with the implant has to work to identify the sounds they are now hearing. They are given exercises to do every day to help this learning process advance. Like any exercise program, the closer one follows the program the better the results are. For example, with knee replacement, hip replacement, shoulder replacement, why do some have better results than others? Because some follow directions, some don’t. We relate to all this in direct proportion to how badly we want to improve.

The same is true of our spiritual lives. If we want to get closer to God, we must exercise spiritually. I’m not talking about speaking in tongues or healing the sick but simply giving God a more proportionate place in our lives. It can start with the smallest of things. How many of us ask God to bless our food before we eat every time we eat. Do we thank Him for keeping us safe through the night? Do we ask Him to watch over us as we travel? Do we ask believing that He can help us with our health problems? Each of these are little steps that can help us grow closer to God and to learn how we can actually be a more spiritually minded child of God.

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” (Psalm 51:10, ESV)

Thanks for listening and keep on shining.


2020 Mission Trip to Kramatorsk, Ukraine

Day 1 & 2 | 10/12/20 | 10/13/20 | 10/14/20 10/16/20 | 10/17/20 | 10/18/20 | 10/18/20 10/19/20 | 10/20/20| 10/21/20 | 10/23/20  | 10/25/20 | Summary Report


A Masterpiece Take Time

The stereotypical view of artistry is of the chaotic genius giving birth to great works of art and music in fits of creative energy. One moment a blank canvas, the next a masterpiece; one instant an empty score, the next a symphony. However, an investigation into the facts does not support this view.

Beethoven, one of the world’s most famous composers, rose at daybreak and worked continuously until two or three o’clock, working on multiple ideas at once. He often worked on musical pieces that he began years before. For many of his ideas he sketched as many as 20 or 30 variants of a theme to arrive at just the right sound.

Well-known master painter Michelangelo produced more than 2,000 sketches and renderings of his work “Last Judgment” during the eight years it took him to complete his masterpiece.

In just these two examples we see that patience and consistent effort were combined to create indelible works of art.

The Christian life is similar in that patience and hard work are required to bring forth a beautiful walk of faith. “Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure” (Phil. 2:12-14). You see, it takes a blending of the Word of God and patient striving on our part to become conformed to the image of Christ (Romans 8:29; 12:2), and the end of that process is eternal life (Romans 2:7).

Anything of lasting value requires patient commitment and discipline to come into being. Christian, do not give up. Your life can be a masterpiece!

—Matt Clifton

Newkirk November 17 2024